Enum ItemFields
Used to control the data that gets attached to DtoBaseItems
Namespace: MediaBrowser.Model.Querying
Assembly: MediaBrowser.Model.dll
public enum ItemFields
Name | Description |
AirDays | |
AirTime | The air time |
Album | |
AlbumId | |
AlternateMediaSources | |
BasicSyncInfo | |
Bitrate | |
CanDelete | The can delete |
CanDownload | The can download |
ChannelImage | |
ChannelInfo | The channel information |
ChannelMappingInfo | |
ChannelNumber | |
Chapters | The chapters |
ChildCount | |
CollectionName | |
CommunityRating | |
Container | |
ContainerSyncStatus | |
CriticRating | |
CustomRating | The custom rating |
DateCreated | The date created of the item |
DateLastRefreshed | |
DateLastSaved | |
DateModified | |
DisplayOrder | |
DisplayPreferencesId | Item display preferences |
EndDate | |
Etag | The etag |
ExternalId | |
ExternalUrls | The external urls |
ExtraIds | |
ExtraType | |
FileName | |
Genres | Genres |
Guid | |
Height | |
Id | |
IndexNumber | |
IsInMixedFolder | |
IsPublic | |
IsVirtualItem | |
ItemCounts | The item counts |
LocalTrailerCount | |
MediaSources | The media versions |
MediaStreams | The media streams |
Name | |
OfficialRating | |
OriginalTitle | |
Overview | The item overview |
ParentId | The id of the item's parent |
PartCount | |
Path | The physical path of the item |
People | The list of people for the item |
PlayAccess | |
Prefix | |
PremiereDate | |
PresentationUniqueKey | |
PrimaryImageAspectRatio | The aspect ratio of the primary image |
ProductionLocations | The production locations |
ProductionYear | |
ProgramFields | |
ProgramPrimaryImageAspectRatio | |
ProviderIds | Imdb, tmdb, etc |
RecursiveItemCount | |
RemoteTrailers | The trailer url of the item |
RunTimeTicks | |
SeasonUserData | The season user data |
SeriesId | |
SeriesName | |
SeriesPresentationUniqueKey | |
SeriesPrimaryImage | |
SeriesStudio | The series studio |
Settings | The settings |
ShareLevel | |
Size | |
SortName | The sort name of the item |
SpecialEpisodeNumbers | The special episode numbers |
SpecialFeatureCount | |
StartDate | |
Status | |
Studios | The studios of the item |
SubViews | |
SyncStatus | |
Taglines | The taglines of the item |
Tags | The tags |
UserDataLastPlayedDate | |
UserDataPlayCount | |
Video3DFormat | |
Width |