Authenticates a user
Authenticate a user by nane and password. A 200 status code indicates success, while anything in the 400 or 500 range indicates failure
Requires authentication as user
post /Users/AuthenticateByName
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*X-Emby-Authorization | header | The authorization header can be either named 'Authorization' or 'X-Emby-Authorization'. |
*body | body | AuthenticateUserByName | AuthenticateUserByName |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | AuthenticationResult | Operation successful. Returning a AuthenticationResult object. |
400 | Bad Request. Server cannot process request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Client needs to authenticate. |
403 | Forbidden. No permission for the reqested operation. |
404 | Resource not found or unavailable. |
500 | Server error. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Username | string | |
Pw | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
User | UserDto[] | Class UserDto |
SessionInfo | SessionInfo[] | Class SessionInfo |
AccessToken | string | The authentication token. |
ServerId | string | The server identifier. |
see also MediaBrowser.Model.Dto.UserDto
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
ServerId | string | The server identifier. |
ServerName | string | The name of the server. This is not used by the server and is for client-side usage only. |
Prefix | string | |
ConnectUserName | string | The name of the connect user. |
DateCreated | string (date-time) | |
ConnectLinkType | UserLinkType | |
Id | string | The id. |
PrimaryImageTag | string | The primary image tag. |
HasPassword | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance has password. |
HasConfiguredPassword | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance has configured password. |
EnableAutoLogin | boolean | |
LastLoginDate | string (date-time) | The last login date. |
LastActivityDate | string (date-time) | The last activity date. |
Configuration | UserConfiguration[] | Class UserConfiguration |
Policy | UserPolicy[] | |
PrimaryImageAspectRatio | number (double) | The primary image aspect ratio. |
HasConfiguredEasyPassword | boolean | |
UserItemShareLevel | UserItemShareLevel |
Enum Values
- LinkedUser
- Guest
Name | Type | Notes |
AudioLanguagePreference | string | The audio language preference. |
PlayDefaultAudioTrack | boolean | A value indicating whether [play default audio track]. |
SubtitleLanguagePreference | string | The subtitle language preference. |
ProfilePin | string | |
DisplayMissingEpisodes | boolean | |
SubtitleMode | SubtitlePlaybackMode | |
OrderedViews | array | |
LatestItemsExcludes | array | |
MyMediaExcludes | array | |
HidePlayedInLatest | boolean | |
HidePlayedInMoreLikeThis | boolean | |
HidePlayedInSuggestions | boolean | |
RememberAudioSelections | boolean | |
RememberSubtitleSelections | boolean | |
EnableNextEpisodeAutoPlay | boolean | |
ResumeRewindSeconds | integer (int32) | |
IntroSkipMode | SegmentSkipMode | |
EnableLocalPassword | boolean |
Enum Values
- Default
- Always
- OnlyForced
- None
- Smart
- HearingImpaired
Enum Values
- ShowButton
- AutoSkip
- None
see also MediaBrowser.Model.Users.UserPolicy
Name | Type | Notes |
IsAdministrator | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is administrator. |
IsHidden | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is hidden. |
IsHiddenRemotely | boolean | |
IsHiddenFromUnusedDevices | boolean | |
IsDisabled | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is disabled. |
LockedOutDate | integer (int64) | |
MaxParentalRating | integer (int32) | The max parental rating. |
AllowTagOrRating | boolean | |
BlockedTags | array | |
IsTagBlockingModeInclusive | boolean | |
IncludeTags | array | |
EnableUserPreferenceAccess | boolean | |
AccessSchedules | AccessSchedule[] | |
BlockUnratedItems | UnratedItem[] | |
EnableRemoteControlOfOtherUsers | boolean | |
EnableSharedDeviceControl | boolean | |
EnableRemoteAccess | boolean | |
EnableLiveTvManagement | boolean | |
EnableLiveTvAccess | boolean | |
EnableMediaPlayback | boolean | |
EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding | boolean | |
EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding | boolean | |
EnablePlaybackRemuxing | boolean | |
EnableContentDeletion | boolean | |
RestrictedFeatures | array | |
EnableContentDeletionFromFolders | array | |
EnableContentDownloading | boolean | |
EnableSubtitleDownloading | boolean | |
EnableSubtitleManagement | boolean | |
EnableSyncTranscoding | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable synchronize]. |
EnableMediaConversion | boolean | |
EnabledChannels | array | |
EnableAllChannels | boolean | |
EnabledFolders | array | |
EnableAllFolders | boolean | |
InvalidLoginAttemptCount | integer (int32) | |
EnablePublicSharing | boolean | |
RemoteClientBitrateLimit | integer (int32) | |
AuthenticationProviderId | string | |
ExcludedSubFolders | array | |
SimultaneousStreamLimit | integer (int32) | |
EnabledDevices | array | |
EnableAllDevices | boolean | |
AllowCameraUpload | boolean | |
AllowSharingPersonalItems | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
DayOfWeek | DynamicDayOfWeek | |
StartHour | number (double) | The start hour. |
EndHour | number (double) | The end hour. |
Enum Values
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Everyday
- Weekday
- Weekend
Enum Values
- None
- Read
- Write
- Manage
- ManageDelete
Name | Type | Notes |
PlayState | PlayerStateInfo[] | |
AdditionalUsers | SessionUserInfo[] | |
RemoteEndPoint | string (ipv4) | The remote end point. |
Protocol | string | |
PlayableMediaTypes | array | The playable media types. |
PlaylistItemId | string | |
PlaylistIndex | integer (int32) | |
PlaylistLength | integer (int32) | |
Id | string | The id. |
ServerId | string | |
UserId | string | The user id. |
UserName | string | The username. |
UserPrimaryImageTag | string | |
Client | string | The type of the client. |
LastActivityDate | string (date-time) | The last activity date. |
DeviceName | string | The name of the device. |
DeviceType | string | |
NowPlayingItem | BaseItemDto[] | This is strictly used as a data transfer object from the api layer. This holds information about a BaseItem in a format that is convenient for the client. |
InternalDeviceId | integer (int64) | |
DeviceId | string | The device id. |
ApplicationVersion | string | The application version. |
AppIconUrl | string | The application icon URL. |
SupportedCommands | array | The supported commands. |
TranscodingInfo | TranscodingInfo[] | |
SupportsRemoteControl | boolean |
Name | Type | Notes |
PositionTicks | integer (int64) | The now playing position ticks. |
CanSeek | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance can seek. |
IsPaused | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is paused. |
IsMuted | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is muted. |
VolumeLevel | integer (int32) | The volume level. |
AudioStreamIndex | integer (int32) | The index of the now playing audio stream. |
SubtitleStreamIndex | integer (int32) | The index of the now playing subtitle stream. |
MediaSourceId | string | The now playing media version identifier. |
PlayMethod | PlayMethod | |
RepeatMode | RepeatMode | |
SubtitleOffset | integer (int32) | |
Shuffle | boolean | |
PlaybackRate | number (double) |
Enum Values
- Transcode
- DirectStream
- DirectPlay
Enum Values
- RepeatNone
- RepeatAll
- RepeatOne
Name | Type | Notes |
UserId | string | The user identifier. |
UserName | string | The name of the user. |
UserInternalId | integer (int64) |
see also MediaBrowser.Model.Dto.BaseItemDto
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
OriginalTitle | string | |
ServerId | string | The server identifier. |
Id | string | The id. |
Guid | string | |
Etag | string | The etag. |
Prefix | string | The Prefix. |
TunerName | string | |
PlaylistItemId | string | The playlist item identifier. |
DateCreated | string (date-time) | The date created. |
ExtraType | string | |
SortIndexNumber | integer (int32) | |
SortParentIndexNumber | integer (int32) | |
CanDelete | boolean | |
CanDownload | boolean | |
CanEditItems | boolean | |
SupportsResume | boolean | |
PresentationUniqueKey | string | |
PreferredMetadataLanguage | string | |
PreferredMetadataCountryCode | string | |
SupportsSync | boolean | A value indicating whether [supports synchronize]. |
SyncStatus | SyncJobItemStatus | |
CanManageAccess | boolean | |
CanLeaveContent | boolean | |
CanMakePublic | boolean | |
Container | string | |
SortName | string | The name of the sort. |
ForcedSortName | string | |
Video3DFormat | Video3DFormat | |
PremiereDate | string (date-time) | The premiere date. |
ExternalUrls | ExternalUrl[] | The external urls. |
MediaSources | MediaSourceInfo[] | The media versions. |
CriticRating | number (float) | The critic rating. |
GameSystemId | integer (int64) | |
AsSeries | boolean | |
GameSystem | string | The game system. |
ProductionLocations | array | |
Path | string | The path. |
OfficialRating | string | The official rating. |
CustomRating | string | The custom rating. |
ChannelId | string | The channel identifier. |
ChannelName | string | |
Overview | string | The overview. |
Taglines | array | The taglines. |
Genres | array | The genres. |
CommunityRating | number (float) | The community rating. |
RunTimeTicks | integer (int64) | The run time ticks. |
Size | integer (int64) | |
FileName | string | |
Bitrate | integer (int32) | |
ProductionYear | integer (int32) | The production year. |
Number | string | The number. |
ChannelNumber | string | |
IndexNumber | integer (int32) | The index number. |
IndexNumberEnd | integer (int32) | The index number end. |
ParentIndexNumber | integer (int32) | The parent index number. |
RemoteTrailers | MediaUrl[] | The trailer urls. |
ProviderIds | ProviderIdDictionary | |
IsFolder | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is folder. |
ParentId | string | The parent id. |
Type | string | The type. |
People | BaseItemPerson[] | The people. |
Studios | NameLongIdPair[] | The studios. |
GenreItems | NameLongIdPair[] | |
TagItems | NameLongIdPair[] | |
ParentLogoItemId | string | If the item does not have a logo, this will hold the Id of the Parent that has one. |
ParentBackdropItemId | string | If the item does not have any backdrops, this will hold the Id of the Parent that has one. |
ParentBackdropImageTags | array | The parent backdrop image tags. |
LocalTrailerCount | integer (int32) | The local trailer count. |
UserData | UserItemDataDto[] | Class UserItemDataDto |
RecursiveItemCount | integer (int32) | The recursive item count. |
ChildCount | integer (int32) | The child count. |
SeriesName | string | The name of the series. |
SeriesId | string | The series id. |
SeasonId | string | The season identifier. |
SpecialFeatureCount | integer (int32) | The special feature count. |
DisplayPreferencesId | string | The display preferences id. |
Status | string | The status. |
AirDays | DayOfWeek[] | The air days. |
Tags | array | The tags. |
PrimaryImageAspectRatio | number (double) | The primary image aspect ratio, after image enhancements. |
Artists | array | The artists. |
ArtistItems | NameIdPair[] | The artist items. |
Composers | NameIdPair[] | |
Album | string | The album. |
CollectionType | string | The type of the collection. |
DisplayOrder | string | The display order. |
AlbumId | string | The album id. |
AlbumPrimaryImageTag | string | The album image tag. |
SeriesPrimaryImageTag | string | The series primary image tag. |
AlbumArtist | string | The album artist. |
AlbumArtists | NameIdPair[] | The album artists. |
SeasonName | string | The name of the season. |
MediaStreams | MediaStream[] | The media streams. |
PartCount | integer (int32) | The part count. |
ImageTags | object | The image tags. |
BackdropImageTags | array | The backdrop image tags. |
ParentLogoImageTag | string | The parent logo image tag. |
SeriesStudio | string | The series studio. |
PrimaryImageItemId | string | |
PrimaryImageTag | string | |
ParentThumbItemId | string | The parent thumb item id. |
ParentThumbImageTag | string | The parent thumb image tag. |
Chapters | ChapterInfo[] | The chapters. |
LocationType | LocationType | Enum LocationType |
MediaType | string | The type of the media. |
EndDate | string (date-time) | The end date. |
LockedFields | MetadataFields[] | The locked fields. |
LockData | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable internet providers]. |
Width | integer (int32) | |
Height | integer (int32) | |
CameraMake | string | |
CameraModel | string | |
Software | string | |
ExposureTime | number (double) | |
FocalLength | number (double) | |
ImageOrientation | ImageOrientation | |
Aperture | number (double) | |
ShutterSpeed | number (double) | |
Latitude | number (double) | |
Longitude | number (double) | |
Altitude | number (double) | |
IsoSpeedRating | integer (int32) | |
SeriesTimerId | string | The series timer identifier. |
ChannelPrimaryImageTag | string | The channel primary image tag. |
StartDate | string (date-time) | The start date of the recording, in UTC. |
CompletionPercentage | number (double) | The completion percentage. |
IsRepeat | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is repeat. |
IsNew | boolean | |
EpisodeTitle | string | The episode title. |
IsMovie | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is movie. |
IsSports | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is sports. |
IsSeries | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is series. |
IsLive | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is live. |
IsNews | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is news. |
IsKids | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is kids. |
IsPremiere | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is premiere. |
TimerType | TimerType | |
Disabled | boolean | |
ManagementId | string | |
TimerId | string | The timer identifier. |
CurrentProgram | ||
MovieCount | integer (int32) | |
SeriesCount | integer (int32) | |
AlbumCount | integer (int32) | |
SongCount | integer (int32) | |
MusicVideoCount | integer (int32) | |
Subviews | array | |
ListingsProviderId | string | |
ListingsChannelId | string | |
ListingsPath | string | |
ListingsId | string | |
ListingsChannelName | string | |
ListingsChannelNumber | string | |
AffiliateCallSign | string |
Enum Values
- Queued
- Converting
- ReadyToTransfer
- Transferring
- Synced
- Failed
Enum Values
- HalfSideBySide
- FullSideBySide
- FullTopAndBottom
- HalfTopAndBottom
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
Url | string | The type of the item. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Chapters | ChapterInfo[] | |
Protocol | MediaProtocol | |
Id | string | |
Path | string | |
EncoderPath | string | |
EncoderProtocol | MediaProtocol | |
Type | MediaSourceType | |
ProbePath | string | |
ProbeProtocol | MediaProtocol | |
Container | string | |
Size | integer (int64) | |
Name | string | |
SortName | string | |
IsRemote | boolean | Differentiate internet url vs local network |
HasMixedProtocols | boolean | |
RunTimeTicks | integer (int64) | |
ContainerStartTimeTicks | integer (int64) | |
SupportsTranscoding | boolean | |
TrancodeLiveStartIndex | integer (int32) | |
WallClockStart | string (date-time) | |
SupportsDirectStream | boolean | |
SupportsDirectPlay | boolean | |
IsInfiniteStream | boolean | |
RequiresOpening | boolean | |
OpenToken | string | |
RequiresClosing | boolean | |
LiveStreamId | string | |
BufferMs | integer (int32) | |
RequiresLooping | boolean | |
SupportsProbing | boolean | |
Video3DFormat | Video3DFormat | |
MediaStreams | MediaStream[] | |
Formats | array | |
Bitrate | integer (int32) | |
Timestamp | TransportStreamTimestamp | |
RequiredHttpHeaders | object | |
DirectStreamUrl | string | |
AddApiKeyToDirectStreamUrl | boolean | |
TranscodingUrl | string | |
TranscodingSubProtocol | string | |
TranscodingContainer | string | |
AnalyzeDurationMs | integer (int32) | |
ReadAtNativeFramerate | boolean | |
DefaultAudioStreamIndex | integer (int32) | |
DefaultSubtitleStreamIndex | integer (int32) | |
ItemId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. The id of the item that this mediasource belongs to, if there is one Also used by Emby for Kodi |
ServerId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. |
Name | Type | Notes |
StartPositionTicks | integer (int64) | The start position ticks. |
Name | string | The name. |
ImageTag | string | |
MarkerType | MarkerType | |
ChapterIndex | integer (int32) |
Enum Values
- Chapter
- IntroStart
- IntroEnd
- CreditsStart
Enum Values
- File
- Http
- Rtmp
- Rtsp
- Udp
- Rtp
- Ftp
- Mms
Enum Values
- Default
- Grouping
- Placeholder
Name | Type | Notes |
Codec | string | The codec. Probe Field: |
CodecTag | string | The codec tag. Probe Field: |
Language | string | The language. Probe Field: |
ColorTransfer | string | The color transfer characteristics. Probe Field: |
ColorPrimaries | string | The chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. Probe Field: |
ColorSpace | string | The YUV colorspace type. Probe Field: |
Comment | string | The comment. Probe Field: |
StreamStartTimeTicks | integer (int64) | The start time of the stream. Probe Field: |
TimeBase | string | The time-base. Probe Field: |
Title | string | The title. Probe Field: |
Extradata | string | The extradata. Probe Field: Currently, this value is only parsed for subtitle streams with codec |
VideoRange | string | |
DisplayTitle | string | The display title. Custom property set by the application. |
DisplayLanguage | string | The display language. Custom property set by the application. |
NalLengthSize | string | The nal length size. Probe Field: |
IsInterlaced | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is interlaced. Probe Field: |
IsAVC | boolean | |
ChannelLayout | string | The channel layout. Probe Field: |
BitDepth | integer (int32) | The bit depth. Probe Field: |
RefFrames | integer (int32) | The reference frames. Probe Field: |
Rotation | integer (int32) | |
Channels | integer (int32) | The audio channel count. Probe Field: |
SampleRate | integer (int32) | The sample rate. Probe Field: |
IsDefault | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is default. Probe Field: |
IsForced | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is forced. Probe Field: |
IsHearingImpaired | boolean | |
Height | integer (int32) | The height. Probe Field: |
Width | integer (int32) | The width. Probe Field: |
AverageFrameRate | number (float) | The average frame rate.. Probe Field: |
RealFrameRate | number (float) | The real frame rate.. Probe Field: |
Profile | string | The profile. Probe Field: |
Type | MediaStreamType | Enum MediaStreamType |
AspectRatio | string | The aspect ratio. Probe Field: |
Index | integer (int32) | The index of the stream inside its container. Probe Field: |
IsExternal | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is external. Custom property set by the application. |
DeliveryMethod | SubtitleDeliveryMethod | |
DeliveryUrl | string | The delivery URL. Custom property set by the application. |
IsExternalUrl | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is external URL. Custom property set by the application. |
IsTextSubtitleStream | boolean | |
SupportsExternalStream | boolean | A value indicating whether [supports external stream]. |
Path | string | The filename. |
Protocol | MediaProtocol | |
PixelFormat | string | The pixel format. Probe Field: |
Level | number (double) | The codec level. Probe Field: |
IsAnamorphic | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is anamorphic. |
ExtendedVideoType | ExtendedVideoTypes | |
ExtendedVideoSubType | ExtendedVideoSubTypes | |
ExtendedVideoSubTypeDescription | string | The extended video sub-type description. |
ItemId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. |
ServerId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. |
AttachmentSize | integer (int32) | The size of the attachment. |
MimeType | string | The type of the MIME. |
SubtitleLocationType | SubtitleLocationType |
Enum Values
- Unknown
- Audio
- Video
- Subtitle
- EmbeddedImage
- Attachment
- Data
Enum Values
- Encode
- Embed
- External
- Hls
- VideoSideData
Enum Values
- None
- Hdr10
- Hdr10Plus
- HyperLogGamma
- DolbyVision
Enum Values
- None
- Hdr10
- HyperLogGamma
- Hdr10Plus0
- DoviProfile02
- DoviProfile10
- DoviProfile22
- DoviProfile30
- DoviProfile42
- DoviProfile50
- DoviProfile61
- DoviProfile76
- DoviProfile81
- DoviProfile82
- DoviProfile83
- DoviProfile84
- DoviProfile85
- DoviProfile92
Enum Values
- InternalStream
- VideoSideData
Enum Values
- None
- Zero
- Valid
see also MediaBrowser.Model.Entities.MediaUrl
Name | Type | Notes |
Url | string | |
Name | string |
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
Id | string | The identifier. |
Role | string | The role. |
Type | PersonType | |
PrimaryImageTag | string | The primary image tag. |
Enum Values
- Actor
- Director
- Writer
- Producer
- GuestStar
- Composer
- Conductor
- Lyricist
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
Id | integer (int64) | The identifier. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Rating | number (double) | The rating. |
PlayedPercentage | number (double) | The played percentage. |
UnplayedItemCount | integer (int32) | The unplayed item count. |
PlaybackPositionTicks | integer (int64) | The playback position ticks. |
PlayCount | integer (int32) | The play count. |
IsFavorite | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is favorite. |
LastPlayedDate | string (date-time) | The last played date. |
Played | boolean | A value indicating whether this |
Key | string | The key. |
ItemId | string | The item identifier. |
ServerId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. |
see also MediaBrowser.Model.Dto.NameIdPair
Name | Type | Notes |
Name | string | The name. |
Id | string | The identifier. |
Enum Values
- FileSystem
- Virtual
Enum Values
- TopLeft
- TopRight
- BottomRight
- BottomLeft
- LeftTop
- RightTop
- RightBottom
- LeftBottom
see also MediaBrowser.Model.LiveTv.TimerType
Enum Values
- Program
- DateTime
- Keyword
Name | Type | Notes |
AudioCodec | string | |
VideoCodec | string | |
SubProtocol | string | |
Container | string | |
IsVideoDirect | boolean | |
IsAudioDirect | boolean | |
Bitrate | integer (int32) | |
AudioBitrate | integer (int32) | |
VideoBitrate | integer (int32) | |
Framerate | number (float) | |
CompletionPercentage | number (double) | |
TranscodingPositionTicks | number (double) | |
TranscodingStartPositionTicks | number (double) | |
Width | integer (int32) | |
Height | integer (int32) | |
AudioChannels | integer (int32) | |
TranscodeReasons | TranscodeReason[] | |
CurrentCpuUsage | number (double) | Deprecated, please use ProcessStatistics instead |
AverageCpuUsage | number (double) | Deprecated, please use ProcessStatistics instead |
CpuHistory | Tuple_Double-Double[] | Deprecated, please use ProcessStatistics instead |
ProcessStatistics | ProcessStatistics[] | |
CurrentThrottle | integer (int32) | |
VideoDecoder | string | |
VideoDecoderIsHardware | boolean | |
VideoDecoderMediaType | string | |
VideoDecoderHwAccel | string | |
VideoEncoder | string | |
VideoEncoderIsHardware | boolean | |
VideoEncoderMediaType | string | |
VideoEncoderHwAccel | string | |
VideoPipelineInfo | VpStepInfo[] | |
SubtitlePipelineInfos | array |
Name | Type | Notes |
Item1 | number (double) | |
Item2 | number (double) |
Name | Type | Notes |
CurrentCpu | number (double) | The current cpu. |
AverageCpu | number (double) | The average cpu. |
CurrentVirtualMemory | number (double) | The currently allocated virtual memory. |
CurrentWorkingSet | number (double) | The currently allocated working set. |
Metrics | ProcessMetricPoint[] | The metrics. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Time | string (time) | The time. |
CpuPercent | number (double) | The cpu percent. |
VirtualMemory | number (double) | The virtual memory. |
WorkingSet | number (double) | The working set. |
Name | Type | Notes |
StepType | VpStepTypes | Video Processing Step Type enum. |
StepTypeName | string | |
HardwareContextName | string | |
IsHardwareContext | boolean | |
Name | string | |
Short | string | |
FfmpegName | string | |
FfmpegDescription | string | |
FfmpegOptions | string | |
Param | string | |
ParamShort | string |
Enum Values
- Decoder
- Encoder
- Scaling
- Deinterlace
- SubtitleOverlay
- ToneMapping
- ColorConversion
- SplitCaptions
- TextSub2Video
- GraphicSub2Video
- GraphicSub2Text
- BurnInTextSubs
- BurnInGraphicSubs
- ScaleSubs
- TextMod
- Censor
- ShowSpeaker
- StripStyles
- ConnectTo