Marks an item as played
Requires authentication as user
post /Users/{UserId}/PlayedItems/{Id}
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*UserId | path | User Id |
DatePlayed | query | The date the item was played (if any). Format = yyyyMMddHHmmss |
*Id | path | Item Id |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | UserItemDataDto | Operation successful. Returning a UserItemDataDto object. |
400 | Bad Request. Server cannot process request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Client needs to authenticate. |
403 | Forbidden. No permission for the reqested operation. |
404 | Resource not found or unavailable. |
500 | Server error. |
Name | Type | Notes |
Rating | number (double) | The rating. |
PlayedPercentage | number (double) | The played percentage. |
UnplayedItemCount | integer (int32) | The unplayed item count. |
PlaybackPositionTicks | integer (int64) | The playback position ticks. |
PlayCount | integer (int32) | The play count. |
IsFavorite | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is favorite. |
LastPlayedDate | string (date-time) | The last played date. |
Played | boolean | A value indicating whether this |
Key | string | The key. |
ItemId | string | The item identifier. |
ServerId | string | Used only by our Windows app. Not used by Emby Server. |