Updates application configuration
Requires authentication as administrator
post /System/Configuration
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*body | body | ServerConfiguration | ServerConfiguration: |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | Operation successful. Empty response. |
400 | Bad Request. Server cannot process request. |
401 | Unauthorized. Client needs to authenticate. |
403 | Forbidden. No permission for the reqested operation. |
404 | Resource not found or unavailable. |
500 | Server error. |
Name | Type | Notes |
EnableUPnP | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable u pn p]. |
PublicPort | integer (int32) | The public mapped port. |
PublicHttpsPort | integer (int32) | The public HTTPS port. |
HttpServerPortNumber | integer (int32) | The HTTP server port number. |
HttpsPortNumber | integer (int32) | The HTTPS server port number. |
EnableHttps | boolean | A value indicating whether [use HTTPS]. |
CertificatePath | string | The value pointing to the file system where the ssl certiifcate is located.. |
CertificatePassword | string | |
IsPortAuthorized | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is port authorized. |
AutoRunWebApp | boolean | |
EnableRemoteAccess | boolean | |
LogAllQueryTimes | boolean | |
EnableCaseSensitiveItemIds | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable case sensitive item ids]. |
MetadataPath | string | The metadata path. |
MetadataNetworkPath | string | |
PreferredMetadataLanguage | string | The preferred metadata language. |
MetadataCountryCode | string | The metadata country code. |
SortRemoveWords | array | Words to be removed from strings to create a sort name |
LibraryMonitorDelaySeconds | integer (int32) | The delay in seconds that we will wait after a file system change to try and discover what has been added/removed Some delay is necessary with some items because their creation is not atomic. It involves the creation of several different directories and files. |
EnableDashboardResponseCaching | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable dashboard response caching]. Allows potential contributors without visual studio to modify production dashboard code and test changes. |
DashboardSourcePath | string | Allows the dashboard to be served from a custom path. |
ImageSavingConvention | ImageSavingConvention | |
EnableAutomaticRestart | boolean | |
ServerName | string | |
PreferredDetectedRemoteAddressFamily | AddressFamily | |
WanDdns | string | |
UICulture | string | |
RemoteClientBitrateLimit | integer (int32) | |
LocalNetworkSubnets | array | |
LocalNetworkAddresses | array | |
EnableExternalContentInSuggestions | boolean | |
RequireHttps | boolean | |
IsBehindProxy | boolean | |
RemoteIPFilter | array | |
IsRemoteIPFilterBlacklist | boolean | |
ImageExtractionTimeoutMs | integer (int32) | |
PathSubstitutions | PathSubstitution[] | |
UninstalledPlugins | array | |
CollapseVideoFolders | boolean | |
EnableOriginalTrackTitles | boolean | |
VacuumDatabaseOnStartup | boolean | |
SimultaneousStreamLimit | integer (int32) | |
DatabaseCacheSizeMB | integer (int32) | |
EnableSqLiteMmio | boolean | |
PlaylistsUpgradedToM3U | boolean | |
ImageExtractorUpgraded1 | boolean | |
EnablePeopleLetterSubFolders | boolean | |
OptimizeDatabaseOnShutdown | boolean | |
DatabaseAnalysisLimit | integer (int32) | |
MaxLibraryDbConnections | integer (int32) | |
MaxAuthDbConnections | integer (int32) | |
MaxOtherDbConnections | integer (int32) | |
DisableAsyncIO | boolean | |
MigratedToUserItemShares8 | boolean | |
MigratedLibraryOptionsToDb | boolean | |
AllowLegacyLocalNetworkPassword | boolean | |
EnableSavedMetadataForPeople | boolean | |
TvChannelsRefreshed | boolean | |
ProxyHeaderMode | ProxyHeaderMode | |
EnableDebugLevelLogging | boolean | A value indicating whether [enable debug level logging]. |
RevertDebugLogging | string | |
EnableAutoUpdate | boolean | Enable automatically and silently updating of the application |
LogFileRetentionDays | integer (int32) | The number of days we should retain log files |
RunAtStartup | boolean | A value indicating whether [run at startup]. |
IsStartupWizardCompleted | boolean | A value indicating whether this instance is first run. |
CachePath | string | The cache path. |
Enum Values
- Legacy
- Compatible
Enum Values
- Unspecified
- Unix
- InterNetwork
- ImpLink
- Pup
- Chaos
- NS
- Ipx
- Iso
- Osi
- Ecma
- DataKit
- Ccitt
- Sna
- DecNet
- DataLink
- Lat
- HyperChannel
- AppleTalk
- NetBios
- VoiceView
- FireFox
- Banyan
- Atm
- InterNetworkV6
- Cluster
- Ieee12844
- Irda
- NetworkDesigners
- Max
- Packet
- ControllerAreaNetwork
- Unknown
Name | Type | Notes |
From | string | |
To | string |
Enum Values
- None
- LanAddressesOnly
- RemoteAddressesOnly
- AllAddresses